International Rogaining Federation

Rogaining is the team sport of long distance cross-country navigation. Map reading, teamwork, endurance and strategy are features of the sport.

Latvia to host WRC 2017

The IRF Council has voted to select the host and location of the 15th WRC in 2017. Latvia has been chosen as the host nation. Congratulations! The event is scheduled to take place 18-19 August 2017 in Razna National Park in south eastern part of Latvia.


There was also considerable support for Ukrainian bid, but members were concerned about the current conflict and related issues such as communications.



Rogaining develops your navigational skills, self-reliance, general fitness, and the ability to work in a team.


Rogaining supports and encourages people to develop respect for and enjoyment of rural and forest environments.

International oversight of rogaining

World Rogaining Championships

The World Rogaining Championships (WRC) are the championships of the International Rogaining Federation. As the sport's premier event, the World Rogaining Championships are for the benefit of everyone in the sport: for elite competitors, for organizers, for administrators, and as a meeting focus for rogaining enthusiasts.


The International Rogaining Federation provides the forum to agree on technical facets of rogaining. We maintain a code and rules of Rogaining that govern the World Rogaining Championships and provide the basis for member country rules.

Member Resources

The International Rogaining Federation provides support for member countries organizing events and other developing countries establishing new rogaining associations.

Promote rogaining

The International Rogaining Federation can include your regional event on our events calendar.